Useful Links

The internet is an unrivaled source of information on everything and anything. We have discovered some interesting websites which you might find of use, in addition to the pet information we provide on our site.

Animal SamaritansA UK registered charity that re-homes unwanted and ill-treated animals in the South-London and North-West Kent Area.
Almost Home Animal Rescue NIDevoted to the plight of unwanted pets this site also contains a great number of useful links.
Animals in Distress SanctuaryFounded to alleviate the suffering of sick and injured animals through 24 hour rescue, veterinary treatment and micro chipping backed up by education, advice programmes and work experience.
The Blue CrossAllows a veterinary service for animals whose owners cannot afford private veterinary treatment with hospitals in Victoria and Hammersmith London and Grimsby.
The Destitute Animal ShelterA rescue charity dedicated to caring for the lost, stray and abandoned dogs and cats of the Bolton area. Informative and impressive.
RSPCAWebsite for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
BSAVAWebsite for the British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Cats ProtectionCats Protection rescues and rehomes unwanted and abandoned cats, and promotes responsible cat ownership.
Dogs TrustFounded in 1891, Dogs Trust, formerly known as the NCDL, has always campaigned on dog-welfare related issues to ensure a safe and happy future for our four-legged friends.
International Cat CareICC is a charity which promotes the health and welfare of cats by making the latest information available to vets, cat breeders and owners.
Mid Antrim Animal SanctuaryAnimal sanctuary
Assisi Animal SanctuaryAssisi Animal Sanctuary is Northern Ireland's largest independent animal welfare charity providing shelter for up to 200 companion animals - cats, dogs and rabbits