Weight Management Clinics

Being overweight, or indeed underweight, can lead to serious health risks. It is good to get in to the habit of checking your pet on a regular basis.

Around half of all pets seen by vets in the UK are overweight - affecting cats, dogs and increasingly rabbits.  In fact an animal can be affected by obesity.  You might be surprised to find out that your pet may be overweight too. Research has shown that by keeping a pet at ideal body condition, a pet’s lifespan can be extended by up to two years.                     

The problem is that weight gain is a gradual process and obesity can be overlooked or, to a greater degree, accepted.

Being overweight affects the health and welfare of pets.  It reduces your pets life expectancy and can speed up the onset of chronic diseases.

Reasons for obesity are varied and range from simply overfeeding or lack of exercise to genetics.

Weight Management Clinics at Advance Veterinary Care are run by qualified and experienced nurses.  You may be referred to a clinic by one of our veterinary surgeons or if you are concerned that your pet may be overweight, you can simply book an appointment.  There is no charge to attend the clinic.

Weigh loss can be a challenging and demanding battle which takes commitment and regular visits to the clinics. At the first appointment we will weigh and body score your pet.  Together we will set achievable goals and devise a weight management program designed specifically for your pet.  At follow-up appointments we will measure your pets progress and offer ongoing support and encouragement to you.

Take the first steps today and give us a call.